RAM Upgrade

Environ Printers & Fax Repairs provides RAM Upgrade. Upgrading your computer memory often improves your overall computer performance very economically.

Adding Random Access Memory (RAM) is a cost effective way

to boost your computer's performance. Although the computer may function -OK- with 512MB of RAM, generally 1024MB is a reasonable minimum. Especially computers running under Windows XP and Windows Vista should have at least this much, but you should see a performance improvement with 2048MB of RAM. It's -OK- to have more than 2048MB.

Get The Right Memory For Your Computer Memory Upgrade

Computer memory differs . Most computers in use today use DDR3 or DDR4 types of memory for their main system memory (RAM - Random Access Memory). There are a number of manufacturer's from which to choose. You need to purchase RAM that's compatible with your computer, You need to source top quality RAM. Many computer problems are due to the use of sub-quality RAM

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ph (09) 630 5579 [24hrs] mob 021 973 056
Mt Eden workshop Parking available
[4 Lisnoe Ave 9am-5pm Monday to Friday after hours by appointment]
4 Lisnoe Ave is a short street off the city end of Dominion Rd
adjacent View Rd.
Onsite service Auckland wide, in South Auckland, North Shore, West Auckland, Central Business District [CBD] & East Auckland.

We carry out

Acer RAM upgrades,
Apple RAM upgrades,
ASUS RAM upgrades,
Compaq RAM upgrades,
Dell RAM upgrades,
Fujitsu RAM upgrades,
Gateway Computers RAM upgrades,
Hewlett Packard RAM upgrades,
IBM RAM upgrades,
Intel Corporation RAM upgrades,
Lenovo RAM upgrades,
Silicon Graphics RAM upgrades,
Toshiba RAM upgrades,
HP RAM upgrades