Xerox Toners
Environ Printers & Fax Repairs courier Xerox toners to any where in NZ at competitive prices or they may be picked up from our Mt Eden workshopWe supply Xerox Color Laser Printer Toners for
DocuPrint CP105bDocuPrint CP205
DocuPrint CP305d
Docuprint C525A
Docuprint C1110
DocuPrint C1618
DocuPrint C2100
Docuprint C2120
Docuprint C2200
DocuPrint C2428
Docuprint C2535A
Docuprint C3055DX
DocuPrint C3210DX
Docuprint C3300DX
Phaser 6200
Phaser 6250
Phaser 6350
Phaser 6360
Phaser 7300
Phaser 7700
Phaser 7750
Phaser 8200
Phaser 8400
Phaser 8500
Phaser 8550
Phaser 8560
Xerox Colour Multifunction Toners,
Xerox Mono Laser Printers Toners,
Xerox Mono Multifunction Toners
Contact us anytime..we prefer email click here
ph (09) 630 5579 [24hrs] mob 021 973 056
Mt Eden workshop Parking available
[4 Lisnoe Ave 9am-5pm Monday to Friday after hours by appointment]
4 Lisnoe Ave is a short street off the city end of Dominion Rd
adjacent View Rd.
Onsite service Auckland wide, in South Auckland, North Shore, West Auckland, Central Business District [CBD] & East Auckland.